A fixed cadastre fee is paid for the payment of the fixed fee for research in the land register. The calculation is made by the Cadastre Office after the temporary registration of the declaration.The submission of the statement is completed only after payment of the fixed fee.
The amount of fixed land registration fee is:
- thirty-five (35) euro by right in a main space (apartment, shop, plot, etc. ),
- twenty (20) euro per right to ancillary premises ( warehouses, parking lots ).
In rural areas, only natural persons who make a declaration for more than two (2) rights within the same local authority pay fixed fees for only two (2) rights, irrespective of their total number.This provision applies only to the rightholders of property and slavery.
Payment methods
The payment of the fixed cadastre fee shall be made on presentation of the pre-printed form "Προσωρινής Καταχώρισης Δήλωσης & Υπολογισμού πάγιου τέλους" which you will receive from the cadastral office after submitting your statement.
Payment can also be made at all automated shops on the ELTA network.
For the purpose of financially facilitating citizens, from the beginning of 2017, provides the possibility to pay the fixed cadastral fee in interest-free installments using a credit card, at ALPHA BANK, NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE, PIRAEUS BANK, EFG EUROBANK AND ATTICA BANK.
CAUTION: To avoid mistakes please leave before the Bank, check the receipt you receive, to indicate the correct Payment Code as it appears on the form that you have received from the cadastral office.
If you choose to submit your statement electronically, payment is only possible with a credit card (mastercard ή visa ή american express) or debited or prepaid through the application.